Technical physics - przedmioty maturalne

Technical physics - przedmioty maturalne

Przedmioty maturalne brane pod uwagę w procesie rekrutacji na kierunek technical physics na poszczególnych uczelniach


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Forma studiów
Uczelnia Przedmioty wymagane Przedmioty dodatkowe Kryteria dodatkowe
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie Przedmioty maturalne:

The programme is addressed to candidates holding high school diploma or any other equivalent degree which grants a direct access to a Bachelor’s degree program in the country where the document was issued and offered on a fee-paying basis. Technical Physics programme is open to all applicants, both national and international students. Admission of candidates is based on an average of grades obtained during secondary school ( eq. Mathematics, Physics).

The programme is addressed to candidates holding high school diploma or any other equivalent degree which grants a direct access to a Bachelor’s degree program in the country where the document was issued and offered on a fee-paying basis. Technical Physics programme is open to all applicants, both national and international students. Admission of candidates is based on an average of grades obtained during secondary school ( eq. Mathematics, Physics).
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