Coventry University Wrocław

Studia podyplomowe

Powstańców Śląskich 17,

53-332 Wrocław

Tel: +48 71 748 85 55

Powstańców Śląskich 17,

53-332 Wrocław

Tel: +48 71 748 85 55



    Are you looking for a career change or to develop your career, whether in Poland, Europe or further abroad? Considering a move into management? This MBA, a mix of Blended online and on-campus learning, will enhance your ability to respond to the needs of the modern world. A manager’s practice needs to be ethically based and culturally sensitive.

    Start your journey in this globally connected industry with an MBA from Coventry University, shortlisted for UK University of the Year in the Times and Sunday Times Good Universities Guide 2021.

    The course uses blended learning and is taught in English, which will allow you to receive all the benefits of a UK university while learning in Wrocław, Poland. An MBA qualification from a top UK university will help you work towards better career prospects and salary.

    You can study the MBA course on campus or online, either as a comprehensive management and leadership programme or with specialised pathways in Cyber Security Management, Artificial Intelligence, or Health Care Sector. See modules for more information.

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