Terminy rekrutacji na studia Drzwi otwarte na uczelniach Terminy matury Terminy egzaminu ósmoklasisty
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) (II) czas trwania: 3 lata • 2 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Beauty Science is a knowledge of beauty care techniques, which enables to conduct beauty treatments and chose suitable cosmetics. The main aim of our BSc Beauty Science programme is to educate highly qualified specialists endowed with broad theoretical and practical knowledge and prepared for the professional career in one of the fastest-growing market segments.
The classes are taught in professionally equipped labs, by experienced and highly qualified teaching staff employed in the best academic centres and by professionals working in various businesses. Our courses involve not only traditional subjects, but also unique classes, such as thalassotherapy, and a wide range of optional classes, which provides opportunities for self-directed, autonomous learning.
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) (II) czas trwania: 3 lata • 2 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Graduate of the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics bachelor’s degree program, in accordance with the European trend of treating dietetics as a medical profession, will receive preparation in medical and health sciences, taking into account those aspects of knowledge that are necessary in diagnosing the nutritional state and mode of nutrition and planning nutritional management. As part of the obligatory part of the training program, we include theoretical and practical training in the diagnosis of the mode of nutrition and nutritional status, which allows you to gain the competence to correctly assess the initial state of nutritional intervention.
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) (II) czas trwania: 3 lata • 2 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Our Business Management Programme is aimed at educating and training international business professionals working successfully in any country or culture. The hands-on and case-based teaching approach provides each graduate with a comprehensive knowledge of business and economics, including the fields of marketing, sales, finance, quality, and management.
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (II) czas trwania: 2 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Following completion of the bachelor degree, students have the opportunity to continue to develop their knowledge and skills on the 2-year full-time International Tourism MA degree programme. This allows students to specialise in their chosen areas of interest.
Students have the opportunity to choose one of two interesting specialities: International Hospitality Management or International Tourism Management. They gain the abilities of solving common problems that managers and other tourism professionals are likely to face at their work. Students also develop academic, decision making and critical evaluation skills. Apart from theoretical issues, there is also a practical focus on the managerial and strategic issues in tourism, which belongs to the most rapidly developing branches in the world economy.
Studia II stopnia stacjonarne
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad rekrutacji znajdziesz TUTAJ
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) czas trwania: 3 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Midwife is a profession of a very strong public confidence, which requires passion and dedication on top of the knowledge, skill and education. Midwives should be responsible, thorough, reliable, communicative and decisive, and in terms of their attitude towards another person: patient, respectful, kind, caring, selfless. Additionally, they need to be always ready to improve their professional skill.
If you feel that Midwifery is your calling, register now for this programme at Vincent Pol University in Lublin. Our University will give you a versatile education experience and all the skills necessary to receive full qualifications in the profession of a midwife
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad rekrutacji znajdziesz TUTAJ
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) (II) czas trwania: 3 lata • 2 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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This Nursing programme is aimed at candidates who are prepared to provide direct health care services in hospitals, outpatient clinics, medical or penal institutions, residential homes and many others. The main goal of the Nursing programme is to gain the necessary knowledge and skills from experienced staff and to prepare students for work in a profession which has an ever-increasing demand and social prestige.
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) czas trwania: 3 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Paramedic Science is a profession that enables people to save lives directly. People working in this field have the opportunity to help in emergency situations and crisis situations, which is extremely rewarding and gives a sense of fulfilment.
The work of a paramedic is dynamic and challenging. Every day brings new situations, resulting in a job that is anything but monotonous.
Paramedics play a key role in the healthcare system, responsible for providing medical assistance in emergencies and accidents. The job requires quick thinking, technical skills and excellent physical fitness. Paramedics are often the first people on the scene of an accident, making their job extremely important in the rescue chain.
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad rekrutacji znajdziesz TUTAJ
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (jednolite) czas trwania: 5 lat
tryb: stacjonarne
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Physiotherapy is a medical profession providing healthcare services with respect to restoring and maintaining proper body functionality and mobility. In many settings, physical therapy is combined with other medical services, aimed at prevention and treatment of illnesses. The main aim of Physiotherapy studies is to educate professionals qualified for the professional career in healthcare.
Pursuant to the new act on the profession of physiotherapist, § 17, section 1 of the regulation of Minister of Science and Higher Education of 26 September 2016, on conditions of studies, Physiotherapy will be offered only as long-cycle master degree studies among other programmes like: Medicine, Medicine and Dentistry, Laboratory Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine, Law, and Canon Law.
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad rekrutacji znajdziesz TUTAJ
Rekrutacja |
stopień: (I) czas trwania: 3 lata
tryb: stacjonarne
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Tourism and Hospitality Management is a multidisciplinary field of study, which prepares people for managing various institutions within the hospitality industry, and for supplying culinary, accommodation and related services to tourists. The main aim of Tourism and Hospitality Management degree is to educate highly qualified specialists, endowed with broad theoretical and practical knowledge of tourism. This is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, playing a crucial role in the global economy, and offering great job prospects to students.
Szczegółowe informacje na temat zasad rekrutacji znajdziesz TUTAJ
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informacji z niniejszego serwisu, należy je dodatkowo zweryfikować na stronie uczelni:
Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Wincentego Pola w Lublinie.
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